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كورس CMA PART 1 - الوحدة 20

cma course part 1 :  lectures and some questions about each unit
كورس UNIT 20 : CMA PART 1
MR:amr taison
(20.1) Technology-Enabled Finance Transformation
1) Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
2) The phases and component steps of a traditional SDLC
3) Program Change Control
4) End-User vs. Centralized Computing
5) Business Process Analysis and Design
6) Business Process Design and Participants’ Roles
7) Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
8) Artificial Intelligence (AI)
9) Cloud Computing
10) Blockchain
11) Smart Contracts
MR:amr taison
MR:mohamed cma
(20.2) Analytics and Big Data
1) Business Intelligence (BI)
2) Data Analytics (DA)
3) Data Mining
4) Simple Regression
5) Multiple Regression
6) Standard Error
7) Aspects of Regression Analysis
8) Various Approaches to Quantify or Understand Risk
9) Predictive Analytics
10) Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
11) What-If Analysis
12) Big Data
13) The “4 Vs”
14) Big data uses
15) Key Technologies
16) Limitations of Big Data (Including Other Data Analytics)
17) Data Visualization
18) Statistical Control Charts
19) Pareto Diagrams
20) Histograms
21) Fishbone Diagrams
22) Boxplots
23) Tables
24) Dot Plots
25) Line Charts
26) Scatter Plots
27) Bubble Charts
28) Pie Charts
29) Limitations of Visualizations
30) Best Practices for Visualization Tools
G.2020G.2022mr.amro taison
Some Questions about unit 20
1- What is systems development life cycle (SDLC)?
The SDLC approach is the traditional methodology that companies apply to developing large, highly structured application systems. (Enhanced management and control of the development process) is the main advantage of the life cycle approach
2- What are the five steps of SDLC?
1) Systems strategy
2) Project initiation
3) In-house development
4) Commercial packages
5) Maintenance and support
3- What are the phases and component steps of a traditional SDLC
1) Initiation, Feasibility, and Planning
2) Requirements Analysis and Definition
3) System Conceptual Design
4) Building and Development
5) Testing and Quality Control
4- What are the various methods available to test systems?
* Static testing
* Dynamic testing
* White-box testing
* Black-box testing
* Gray-box testing
5- What are the four levels of test system?
1) Unit testing
2) Integration testing
3) System testing
4) Acceptance testing
6- What are the four strategies for converting to the new system?
1) With parallel operation
2) With direct changeover
3) Under pilot conversion
4) Phased conversion
7- What are program change controls?
They are the controls related to managing changes required by users in systems (system maintenance).
8- What is Robotic Process Automation (RPA)?
It is a form of machine learning technology, through which a computer can acquire knowledge and mimic the actions of people who use it for certain tasks
9- What are the types of Artificial Intelligence (AI)?
1) Neural networks
2) Case-based reasoning systems
3) Rule-based expert systems
4) Intelligent agents
5) Expert system
10- What are the primary categories of cloud services?
1) Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)
2) Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)
3) Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)
11- What is business intelligence (BI)?
Business intelligence is related to the collection of applications, tools, and best practices that turn data into actionable information for:
* Management control
* Strategic planning
* Better decision making.
Business intelligence gives top management information about the current state of the organization and the way to steer it in the intended direction
12- What is data analytics (DA)?
DA contains qualitative and quantitative methodologies and procedures for retrieving data from data sources, then examining the data depending on the type of data, in order to facilitate the decision-making process.
13- What are the five stages of data analytics?
1) Define questions
2) Obtain relevant data
3) Clean/normalize data
4) Analyze data
5) Communicate results
14- What is data mining?
It is the process of searching for unexpected relationships between a set of data, that is, data mining combines (information technology and statistics), in order to analyze the data differently than before and then summarize the data and results into useful information for users
15- What are the steps of data mining?
1) Finding an anomaly
2) Find relationships between variables and then cluster
3) Generalize the relationships
4) Regression analysis (linear regression and multiple regression)
5) Providing a representation of the data set
16- What are the various approaches to quantify or understand risk?
1) Sensitivity Analysis
2) Simulation
3) Monte Carlo Simulation
4) Delphi Approach
5) Time Series Analysis
17- What is predictive analytics?
It is a drawing insight about trends such as consumer or industry behavior patterns using the following:
* Data (historical, current and predicted)
* Statistical algorithms
* Machine learning techniques
18- What are the types of big data?
1) Structured data
2) Semi-structured data
3) Unstructured data
19- The big data characterized by....?
Volume, variety, velocity, and veracity.
Value of the information resulting
20- What is data visualization?
Data visualization refers to any effort or method by which readers or other users can be helped to understand the significance of data, by placing that data in a visual context (such as a graph)
mohamed ashry


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  • yasmeen mohamed photo
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    • mohamed ashry photo
      mohamed ashry27 يناير 2023 في 5:52 م

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